Installation of a monitoring system on a vessel equipped with a Caterpillar 3406 engine

The main tasks of the customer were to control fuel consumption and build an effective monitoring system on a sea vessel.

A differential fuel flow meter DFM 100D CAN is installed in the direct fuel line of the engine. Data from it is converted by MasterCAN CAN2RS converter and transmitted via Modbus protocol to a tracker from another manufacturer. Data from the flow meter and tracker is received by MasterCAN Display 35, located on the bridge. This allows service technicians to monitor data from DFM 100D CAN flow meter in real-time. The vessel monitoring system helps to monitor the most important parameters of the engine operation and indications from additional sensors of the monitoring system. Data that can be displayed on MasterCAN Display 35:

  • Engine operation time, engine RPM (to track the need for maintenance);
  • Fuel consumption (instant, total);
  • Hydraulic system parameters and DTCs;
  • Total and travel fuel consumption (for fueling planning), etc.

Result: the accuracy of DFM 100D CAN flow meter, Modbus protocol compatibility and ease of configuration were confirmed. The company received an efficient vessel monitoring system.

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Contactar el soporte técnico

Héctor David Polo Morales
Consultor Senior en Tecnología Marítima
WhatsApp: +507 66707807


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